
If you are serious

  1. Number One: Say something nice here in the chat. Even if it sounds a little silly, it works.
  2. Check all games at the door. Even if you think your are the master of gaming your partner, games inherently always have a loser
  3. Be nice, but stand your ground
  4. Do not allow yourself to be mistreated – stand your ground and fix it or walk away not looking back
  5. Text at least every other day (maybe daily)
  6. If something is wrong – deal with it even if you have to ask what is wrong 15 time to get to the underlying issue
  7. If the two of you agree to be exclusive do not sleep around. Bottom line, the damage can NEVER be fixed. Break up first and then go knock yourself out – use protection
  8. Don’t be a dick, again do not be a dick. Women always win these games. In the end you will lose.
  9. If you care about them, be protective but not possessive 
  10. Answer there kazillion questions calmly, accurately without sarcasm. If she asks questions she is interested in you. 
  11. Text something romantic – on one else it looking or listening. Tender, sincere words are all powerful
  12. If you say you will do something – do it, thereby building trust
  13. Most men are judged by other by what they do – not what they say
  14. The social media so called dating experts sell bing aloof, non-comical and in general being a jerk. To play this game you must be super self-confident or you will be crushed. Think about it, you think about them constantly and now you are asked to act like you do not care. 
  15. If it isn’t working – end it. Do not go back because you will be punished unmercifully
  16. Don’t ask them what they are waring – leave that for Hollywood movies
  17. Write a poem, it carries more weight than an expensive dinner
  18. If the relationship is constant work it is destined for failure. 
  19. If you can not get your point across without yelling and stomping your feet – you need to so some self-improvement, not them
  20. Never embarrass them in front of your friends trying to show off
  21. You know when you are bing a dick – so stop, grow up and show some respect!