
Helping less disciplined become more successful

A different approach to keep your most precious dream alive

Simple Strategy:

1) Having the courage to begin
2) Not using To-do-Lists turning your dream into a job
3) In the evening in bed before falling asleep you listen to music and read the poems
4) We will update poems every other week

Neuroscience – The science behind your successful journey living your dream.

Two months before the fetus is born the brain cells begin trying to communicate with each other forming nuero connections (synps) at a rate of 15,000 per second. By the age of 3 our neuro networks are mostly complete consisting of billions of connections.

These connections determine how our brain analyzes date that we see, hear, feel, etc. Those neuro connections that are used over and over become like super-highways. The ones that are seldom used weaken and eventually break.

Since the brain has mostly stopped building neuro connections by age 3 that means that those connections that weaken and break by our late teens are most likely not coming back.

What does this mean for each of us?

If you are not highly disciplined by your late teens you will most likely never be. But it is not just the talent or innate ability of being highly disaplined. It is a multitude of abilities; analytic, empathic, artistic, musical, etc. As such, each of us have different talents or abilities that are strengths and others that are weaknesses that we have developed by our late teens. To change this set to traits is extreamily difficult after our teen year.

Here is where it gets interesting. The marshmello test at Stanford showed that 80% of people are not highly disaplined and are not good at differen gradification. The study followed the kids they tested over years and found they got lower SAT scores and lower paying jobs.

Nearly every self-help book you read sooner or later gets to a chapter that talks about writing down goal and make a plan to be successful.

Problem, 80% of us are not highly disciplined and are not good at getting things done just because we wrote them down somewhere.

Ok, now what do we do?
We use emotions to help us be successful instead of relying on discipline.

Introducing our unique method of helping you live your dreams.

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