Little Yellow Bulldozer

Chasing down our dreams comes with mild concern to full blown fear.  Each Dream comes equipped with it’s own pre-packaged doubts and fears – the Unknowns. 

It’s normal to have fear of the Unknown. Besides, if one did not the question may arise; are you truly serious about your Dream or satisfied with just thinking about it from time-to-time.  This fear of the Unknown, in and of itself isn’t the problem, it’s how we deal with it.

Option One; Give into our fears, turn and do not come back.  Sounds safe enough but, we don’t get what we want.

Option Two; Confront your fears and do not look back.

Many of our perceived fears never come to pass anyway. Meanwhile we worry ourselves half-to-death for nothing. If you can find a Dream were we can get paid for worrying – sign me up.

Second, the other person or thing that is causing you fear may be fearful of you or what it is that you are trying to do. As a result, they may decide it is not worth their trouble or may be too scared to take action.  Either way, we WIN!  Now we’re faced with only a subset of our original fear set.  

With our Dreams in the front of your mind, our fears in the back – we take a deep breath and push forward.  Think of yourself as life’s little yellow bulldozer.  You will overcome, you will succeed, your fears will crumble at your feet.

Well most of them anyway. From time-to-time you’ll be tipped over or knocked down.  The question is; will you stay down or get up and bulldoze some more.  

And maybe, just maybe, in time you will welcome the ‘No’s.’  Why? Because on the other side of ‘No’ is everything we ever wanted.